Did you know that there is verbage in the Health Care garbage that passed recently that mentions requiring a microchip? Mark of the Beast?
There was a fireball that flew over the Midwest on Wednesday. Odd.
There are earthquakes in China. Not unusual until you start putting pieces together.
There was an earthquake in the Utah/Idaho/Wyoming area. Not unusual, per se, but a big one for the area.
The is a volcano erupting in Iceland that has planes down throughout Europe and the ash could cause problems for MONTHS.
Obama disappeared for a time during the week, stating that he was going to a soccer game that didn't exist. For those who believe he is the anti-christ, maybe he headed to the underworld to meet with his minions. Maybe his time is approaching.
Is the end nearing? It isn't even 2012 yet (
:-) ) but there is talk...more talk than usual.
I know where I am going when the end finally arrives, if it is in my lifetime. I am not afraid, only a little sad sometimes to think that there are things I won't get to see...maybe my girls grow up, or get married, or have kids of their own. But that little sadness is heavily outweighed by the sheer JOY that comes with knowing that HEAVEN awaits me...and my husband and girls and my family.
Do you think this is all just coincidence or is there something bigger at work here? Are you excited? Are you scared?
"He's got the WHOLE world in His hands, He's got the WHOLE world in His hands...."