Monday, June 1, 2009

We have a date!

I just wanted to post a quick note to say that we know when we are leaving and it is THIS month!

The moving van is coming on June 23rd and we will likely head out on June 24th. It will be a two day trip and then we will be staying with my parents for a week or so until we find a place to rent in Platteville.

Loran is taking a few weeks off of his current job and then will come back for a few weeks to finish up some things and make us a little more money before I start my job. (Unless he gets a job in the meantime...he has a few irons in the fire right now.)

I am trying to take one day at a time right now. We just started VBS at church this week and it is a nice reprieve from constantly thinking about the move and stuff, and it is a great opportunity to spend a little more time at a church that I love and will really hate to leave when the time comes.

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