Thursday, May 20, 2010

To Do List

Put the girls down for a's already 2:30pm...and you know, I just don't feel like it today. Maybe we'll just try an earlier bedtime. Or maybe I'll get lucky and Lillian will climb in my lap in another hour and we can watch cartoons and I can snuggle with her. Yeah, I would like that. I am enjoying this summers off thing. For today.

Finish the garden. It's a big pile of dirt and it looks like rain. In fact, the forecast is calling for rain tonight and tomorrow. So I could finish moving the dirt, but then I wouldn't be able to plant anyway because I think I would run out of time. My flowers in the front need the rain so I am really hoping for rain. Besides, I promised Julia that I would let her help me plant. I bought a blueberry bush and a raspberry bush. Plus I have strawberries that will hopefully come out of a hanging basket. And we have apple trees. We will have more fruit in our diet I hope!

Finish the laundry. As it is with most people, it is clean, just not folded. It is on my bed. If I don't finish it, it will migrate to the floor. Maybe while the girls are playing in the toy room.

Hem and iron the curtains that are the door for Julia's closet. I've been meaning to do that for a long time. Maybe it will start raining soon and then I won't have an excuse to go enjoy the nice day and I'll get a few little things done like those curtains :-)

Make supper. Working has made me SO lazy in the kitchen. I used to love to plan and shop and cook, and now I just love to cook so there is no plan and there isn't much food because I don't shop as well as I used to. So when Loran asks what the plan is, I hesitate. He jumps right in with pizza or something we shouldn't have and I agree. Which is why the weight isn't coming off :-)

Write an article for AC. I have to write 12 a month and I am trying not to put it off, especially because we are going to be in Virginia at the end of the month. I like to write, even though I am nowhere near the writer that I wish I could be. I just work better under extreme pressure :-)

Put my elephant puzzle together. Because I bought it and I love puzzles. And I want to do something fun!

Watch one of our Netflix movies. We have had the Curious Case of Benjamin Button since March 1st! And Australia since April 15th! We have watched a few streaming movies with Netflix on the Wii but still...when we put the girls to bed around 9pm and each of those movies is almost 3 hours long, it is hard to want to stay up that late!

Scan pictures for Mom. She gave me three boxes. And I really am looking forward to scanning them. But I just need to start. And I am afraid to start because I know I will get sucked into the memories.

Organize my recipes. Just needs to get done so that I can get better at the planning thing.

Polish up my Intro to Dairy Science class. Somehow I thought I would get that done before Julia gets here. Now I am thinking it might wait until after she goes back in August :-)

Put together an Equine Management class for January. I am actually looking forward to this possibility. I did get my undergrad in Equine Science after all. It would be fun to use that knowledge. We'll see what the other profs have to say before I put forth too much effort.

Tip of the iceburg, as usual. I have crafts projects and photo albums that want my attention, too.

But I got the toy room clean so that the girls can mess it up again. Hey, it keeps them busy!

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