Saturday, May 9, 2009

I want one...

As far as I can tell, I want a Kindle DX.

As I am looking at technology to help me with my upcoming job, I have decided that I want a Blackberry (or something like it...maybe an iPhone) and now I want a Kindle DX. Alot of what I will need to be doing includes alot of reading and a lot of it is PDF.

So, rather than print out alot of papers that I will likely not even use for references (especially because I won't be doing research, at least not for a while), I will just download them to my Kindle DX and read away.

It keeps about 3,500 books, periodicals, and documents. TONS of books already available for download (for a small fee, of course). Although, I still like the idea have shelves full of books, it would be nice to carry lots of versions of the Bible and commentaries. I hope that by the time I can buy one, the internet will be available on it :-)

At least, I could see that happening if I ever found $489 just lying around, somewhere, someday...

Maybe I should monetize my blog :-) Or just write more for AC and save up THAT money...

The future is a cool place...I wish I was a techno-path (has anyone seen Sky High? Only I would be a GOOD techno-path...).

Ah, the possibilities!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teaching literature for four years has meant that much of my homework, especially over the summers, was reading a lot of material, knowing full well I would only use a a fraction of it in class. I have found e-reader for my palm pilot (also available for blackberries, pocket pcs and smart phones) to be invaluable for that purpose. I can read ten books and not have to keep putting them on my book shelves. Plus, my pda has back lighting, so I can read at night and not wake anyone. In fact, I got A LOT of reading done while nursing the mackerdoodle when she was tiny.