Saturday, October 25, 2008

So my problem is...

A blocked duct between my liver and stomach. Yup. Surgical procedure required. Woo hoo.

A few weeks ago I had back pain that I contributed to stretching too much to reach toys and snacks for the girls on our trip to Virginia. But then it started to feel like the pain I had with my gall bladder attacks. So I was suspicious. It got really bad last Saturday and I decided I needed to go to the ER. No luck with that. We weren't going to get seen before I could go to the acute care clinic so we just went home. I didn't fall asleep easily but I slept well when I finally did fall asleep. Sunday was a great day and I even got some grocery shopping done. Mostly, I took it easy.

Then Monday morning I had a horrible attack, what the PA called an esophageal spasm, my chest muscles seized up and I couldn't breathe very well. I hurt for a few days, with sore muscles from the spasm but then felt pretty good on Thursday evening. I woke up on Friday morning and confirmed what I noticed the night before. I was YELLOW! Yup, jaundice. So I called the doctor, got in to see my primary physician at 11 am and was in the hospital getting a CT scan of my liver at 2pm. So, if I can stay okay this weekend, I will be lined up with an MRI of the duct on Monday. The doc wants to see exactly what kind of blockage we are dealing with. Then at some point, clear up the blockage.

Not fun, but at least we know what the problem is and I am getting it fixed. Unfortunately, just in case something happens this weekend, we weren't able to get Julia for our annual pumpkin carving festivities before Halloween. I guess it will have to wait until after!

On a lighter note (literally), I have lost a good bit of my appetite and therefore, a few pounds in this process also :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for ya'. Sometimes what you need is a diagnosis to feel like you're on the road to recovery.

Let me know if I can help - although right now I'll help by keeping you away from my flu bug.