Friday, November 7, 2008

My camera broke

You know how you give your kids things to play with that are close at hand so that you can just finish that one last thing?

Well, a few days ago I was blogging or something and gave Lillian the camera to play with while I finished. I have done that before. But it never hit the cabinet and the floor with the same force before.

I think it was on the way out anyway...I've had it since June of 2003...a good run for a digital camera. And I am sure that a camera that can do the same things is probably about $5 at Walmart these days.

But now I have the dilemma of trying to figure out what kind of new camera to buy. Do I buy a NICE one, like Jawan and Kacie, or do I get a decent one for the interim just so I don't miss any cute moments? I hate these decisions. Ask me which dose of growth hormone releasing hormone works best in the research I used to do and I'll be fine. Just don't ask me to choose a camera I like!

Loran will be little help because he is so darn SWEET and wants me to have the best of everything (I know, tough one, right?) and will want to get me one of the NICE cameras. (By the way, the capital letters equals a significant increase in PRICE.)

So, any pictures that appear in the near future will either be courtesy my personal photographer, Kacie ( :-) ) or pictures already taken. I'm just glad I got the last download done before it happened. Phew!


Joni M said...

Well, coming from one that has had some really fantastic cameras and some really yukky ones, I think I'd tell you to spend the extra money now and get a good one; because even though you'll shell out more money, you will be sorry if you aren't able to get really nice pictures of your girls--and believe me, they are changing every day and they'll grow up way too if you are asking for my vote--I'd vote for a better one you'll love for a long time rather than one you'll be sorry over in a short period of time... and my oh my--do NOT let the girls play with it, no matter how distracted you are!

Anonymous said...

Bad Luck!
Have fun shopping for a new one! Should be able to get a good deal seeing as the holidays are coming up.
Love Jo

Melissa said...

I agree with joni m . . . get a nice one now. You won't regret it! Tell yourself that it will saaave you money in the long run:)

Anonymous said...

You know I'll take pictures for you anytime! :)