Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Taking turns

As I write this my little girls are on my bed taking turns jumping from the cedar chest onto the bed. I yelled at Ankica to stay away from Lillian so they wouldn't fall off the bed (notice I didn't tell them to get off the bed altogether) so they devised this game:

One of them stands on the cedar chest while the other sits on the pillows. After a count of three (or eight nine ten, depending on Ankica's mood), the one of the cedar chest jumps/falls/trips over the railing at the foot of the bed while the other claps. Then the one who jumped/fell/tripped gets up and says "Your turn!".

I honestly can't believe it. They are playing together, using the right words, giving each other a turn, counting, and not screaming. (Oh, and not getting hurt...yet...)

I finished going through one of my magazines while they entertained each other that way. I am starting to love this age :-)

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