Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How do they do it?

I am missing Loran...he is in Madison for training. Granted it is better than him being in Georgia because if he NEEDED to he could be home in about an hour and I am not jealous that he is spending time with good friends.

He will be back on Friday, for which I am grateful, but it really makes me wonder how those amazing military moms do it. I know some and I think they are awesome! I know I could do it if I HAD to but...

Anyway, the visit with Julia was great. She came to school with me M-W and had a good time (I think :-) pretending to be a college kid. We went to Fond du Lac for Thanksgiving and spent W-Sat at my parents' house. It was alot of fun being with family and not feeling stressed about getting back home. I spent alot of time grading exams though :-)

We got our Christmas tree on Saturday and put it up on Sunday night but it is not decorated. It is, in fact, in the middle of the living room in a pile of needles. I don't think this tree wants to be a Christmas tree. It looks very sad. Ah well. Maybe it will look better with lights and ornaments. I am hoping to get some lights on it tomorrow night so that we can decorate it on Saturday with the girls.

No snow yet. We must have brought the Georgia weather with us because it has been a very mild fall so far. But I want snow for Christmas. Next week I think :-)

I have pictures but I never seem to get them uploaded. I need to put the software on my laptop so that I can bring the camera with me to work and get it done in my downtime here (oh, I am so FUNNY!).

I have 6 more articles to write to get to 200 on Associated Content. Technically I have written 202 but 8 of the articles were for AC partner sites. (Those were great...very fact, I passed the $1,000 mark a few weeks ago...)

What should I write about? I need IDEAS. I have some but they never seem to get on paper. I try to write for things that AC is looking for if I can but I have also thrown in my own stuff to make it easy now and again. If you haven't seen the site in a while, I have added some of the review sheets from my science classes just for fun. The link is over on the right :-)

I need new eyes. I have had these glasses for WAY too long and I realized last week that I can't see very far at all. So in two weeks I have an eye exam and then I just need to get new glasses. What was the name of that website Coralie? I know my mom would kill me (she is an optician) but I need to save some $$ until we sell that house in Georgia.

Anyone want to buy a home in Columbus Georgia? :-)


Anonymous said...

Zenni optical - and that could be two birds/one stone. You could order your glasses and write a review of the site - something I keep meaning to do, but I have an infant . . . yeah.

Anyone want to buy TWO houses in Columbus GA? :-)

Melissa said...

I can't believe it's been a year -- I remember reading your blog last year when you were picking out your tree! Now here we are again. It went so fast. I'm glad you got to have Julia for the holiday:)