Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sad News

We are back from vacation now and I will soon post some of the pictures from that adventure, but I just had to ask for prayers for the people that Loran works with (and Loran too). This morning they found out that one of their fellow workers, Butch Martinez, passed away on the operating table yesterday morning.

I knew Butch...he was such a sweet guy and always liked seeing the girls when we would visit Loran at work. I can see his smile so clearly.

Wow. Life is SO short and sometimes ends so abruptly. Cherish every moment that you have with the people you love and care about. I am so grateful that I got to spend such great quality time with my sisters and parents this last week and see my grandmother and visit my grandfather.

I pray for Butch's wife and kids and the rest of his family. I hope they know the Father and can find peace in this difficult time.

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